Monday, February 29, 2016

Amazing Drink That Successfully Lowers Cholesterol Level

Cholesterol is a fat in the body which causes many diseases of the heart and blood vessels, so if you аre in a constant struggle with it, we offer a little help.
Grapefruit is the best fighter against bad cholesterol, because apart from the high amount of vitamin C it contains pectin and fibers that protect blood vessels.

Celery is also a great ally in this fight. Celery is sufficient to reduce cholesterol by 5 times.

Ingredients for the drink
  • 2 celery branches
  • 1 grapefruit
  • Parsley
  • ¼ lemon
  • 3 pieces of ginger


Put all ingredients in a blender and mix them until you get a thick juice.

Drink a glass of this delicious juice once a day for about 4 weeks and you will bring your cholesterol to normal.

It is best to drink this juice before lunch, which leaves enough time for the body to absorb all the ingredients and activate their action.